4.4.9 Clear Robot Failure (Input)
(1) Function
The robot can recover from a stopped state, resulting from a robot failure
by turning ON (shorted) the operation preparation start signal with this
signal ON (shorted).
(2) Terminal number
No.25 of connector CN8.
NOTE: Operation preparation start signal is inputted through No. 8 of
connector CN8.
(3) Usage
The signal is used to clear an error that brought the robot to a stop.
(4) Input conditions and operation
When a robot failure occurs, clear the error display on the teach
pendant and the external output ERROR NUMBER to ready the robot
to operate.
When the Clear robot failure signal is turned ON (shorted), other input
EXT MODE), which are to be used in combination with the operation
preparation start signal, will be ignored.
To turn ON the power to the motor after a robot failure is cleared, turn
OFF (open) the Clear robot failure signal after turning OFF the Robot
failure signal (output) as shown below.
Input the Clear robot failure signal before (1 msec. or more) the
operation preparation start signal.
Robot status
Stop due to
a robot failure
Clear robot failure
Motor power ON
Operation preparation ON
start (input) OFF
Clear robot ON
failure (input) OFF
Motor power ON
ON (input) OFF
Robot failure ON
(output) OFF
Servo ON ON
(output) OFF
or more
50 ms. or more required
Input Conditions and Operation of Clear Robot Failure Signal