Caution:When turning ON (shorted) the interrupt skip signal, at
least either the program reset signal or the program start
signal must be turned OFF (open).
If the interrupt skip signal is turned ON, the robot interprets
the program start signal as instantaneously turned OFF
(open). Consequently, the program selected with the
program No. select signal will be executed from the
beginning. (See the figure given below.)
Robot status
Executing cycle halfway
Executing cycle
from beginning
Interrupt skip ON (shorted)
signal (input) OFF (open)
Program start ON (shorted)
signal (input) OFF (open)
Program reset ON (shorted)
signal (input) OFF (open)
Program No. select ON (shorted)
signal (input) OFF (open)
Example of Operation When an Interrupt Skip Signal is Input
4.4.11 Continue Start (Input)
(1) Function
Turning the program start signal ON when this continue start signal is ON
will resume the current program being on halt.
(2) Terminal number
No.6 of connector CN8.
(3) Input conditions and operation
This signal is executable only in external mode. If this signal is on,
program numbers will be ignored at execution of Program start and the
current program being on halt will be resumed. If Continue Start Permitted
signal is not ON, the controller will issue ERROR27A8.