3.4 Inspections before
commencing work
such as teaching
Before starting work such as teaching, inspect the following
items, carry out any repairs immediately upon detection of a
malfunction and perform any other necessary measures.
(1) Check for any damage to the sheath or cover of the
external wiring or to the external devices.
(2) Check that the robot is functioning normally or not (any
unusual noise or vibration during operation).
(3) Check the functioning of the emergency stop device.
(4) Check there is no leakage of air or oil from any pipes.
(5) Check there are no obstructive objects in or near the
robot’s restricted space.
3.5 Release of residual air
Before disassembling or replacing pneumatic parts, first release
any residual air pressure in the drive cylinder.
3.6 Precautions for test
Whenever possible, have the worker stay outside of the robot's
restricted space when performing test runs.
3.7 Precautions for
automatic operation
(1) At start-up
Before the robot is to be started up, first check the following
items as well as setting the signals to be used and perform
signaling practice with all related workers.
1) Check that there is no one inside the robot’s restricted
2) Check that the teach pendant and tools are in their
designated places.
3) Check that no lamps indicating a malfunction on the
robot or related equipment are lit.
(2) Check that the display lamp indicating automatic operation
is lit during automatic operation.
(3) Steps to be taken when a malfunction occurs
Should a malfunction occur with the robot or related
equipment and it is necessary to enter the robot's restricted
space to perform emergency maintenance, stop the robot’s
operation by activating the emergency stop device. Take
any necessary steps such as placing a display on the
starter switch to indicate work is in progress to prevent
anyone from accessing the robot.