95 - 165 IP Telephony v1.0 Lab 5.1.5 Copyright © 2005, Cisco Systems, Inc.
• Configure the ability to park a call at the extension X800 (where X is the pod number)
• Configure the system to send a reminder after 10 seconds and to repeat this three times
• Retrieve a parked call from a different IP phone
Step 1 Configure Call Transfer and Call Forward
a. From the router CLI global configuration mode, create an ephone to use as a “call park slot”—a
fake ephone that is simply used as a holding spot for a phone call. In this instance, the number
11 is being used.
CMERouterX(config)# ephone-dn 11
If a message appears that dn 11 exceeds the max-dn limit, move to the telephony-service
configuration mode and type the command max-dn 15. Return to global configuration and re-
enter the ephone-dn 11 command.
b. What message appears as a result of the ephone-dn 11 command? ___________________
c. Use the number X800 (where X is the pod number) command to assign an extension.
CMERouterX(config-ephone-dn)# number X800
d. Use the command park-slot timeout 10 limit 3 to set a reminder after 10 seconds and to
terminate the call after three reminders.
CMERouterX(config-ephone-dn)# park-slot timeout 10 limit 3
e. What is the maximum amount of time in hours that can be programmed for the call park feature?
f. Try resetting the IP phones by using the keys on the IP phones and pressing the following
buttons: * * # * *. Note this will work on most 7940 IP phones, however it may not work on 7960
IP phones. If this method does not work then reset the IP phone using the method previously
learned from an earlier lab. Refer to lab 2.1.2 if necessary.
g. From the analog phone, call one of the IP phones and answer the call.
h. Use the more softkey button to find and press the Park softkey button. You may need to press
the more softkey multiple times before the Park softkey is seen.
i. Wait 10 seconds. What is heard on the analog phone and on the IP phone?
j. Wait another 20 seconds. What happens to the call?___________________________________