40 - 165 IP Telephony v1.0 Lab 3.1.2 Copyright © 2005, Cisco Systems, Inc.
Step 1 Verify if the Telephony Service is Running
a. If necessary, put the basic configuration from 3.1.1 on the router and switch.
b. Ensure that NO phones are connected to the switch at this time.
c. Access the Cisco CallManager Express router and use the show running-config | begin tele
command to verify that the telephony service has not been configured. The begin tele
parameter will search the running configuration for the first instance of the letter combination of
tele, which is really meant to be telephony-service. If no telephony-service is configured nothing
will be displayed and the CMERouterX prompt will be seen again. If a configuration exists, use
the no telephony-service command to erase any existing configuration.
CMERouterX# show running-config | begin tele
CMERouterX(config)# no telephony-service
Step 2 Configure DHCP for the IP Phones
a. Enter ip dhcp exclude-address 10.X5.0.1 10.X5.0.10 (where X is the pod number) to disallow
certain addresses from a DHCP pool that is about to be created in the next step.
CMERouterX(config)# ip dhcp excluded-address 10.X5.0.1 10.X5.0.10
b. Enter the command ip dhcp pool CMEVoiceX (where X is the pod number) to name the DHCP
pool and begin configuration of the parameters that will be served to remote devices.
CMERouterX(config)# ip dhcp pool CMEVoiceX
c. Use the network 10.X5.0.0 command to set up the range of addresses that will
be used.
CMERouterX(dhcp-config)# network 10.X5.0.0
d. Enter the default-router 10.X5.0.1 (where X is the pod number) to assign a default gateway to
the IP phone.
CMERouterX(dhcp-config)# default-router 10.X5.0.1
e. With CallManager Express, the IP phones receive their initial configuration information and
phone firmware from the TFTP server associated with the CME router. The phones usually get
the IP address of their TFTP server using the DHCP option 150 command. When using CME,
the TFTP server address obtained by the phone should point to the CME router IP address.
Enter option 150 ip 10.X5.0.1 to assign the TFTP server address as the CME router. The Cisco
IP phone downloads the image configuration files from this address (the router). The
configuration files will be located on the voice-capable router.
CMERouterX(dhcp-config)# option 150 ip 10.X5.0.1
Step 3 Verify and Configure Firmware
a. From privileged mode, use the show flash: command to verify the IP phone firmware files that
are present. The firmware files for a 7960 and 7940 will start with “P003.” For example,
P00303020214.bin. Do not continue to Step 4 until the IP phone firmware files are present in
For a 28x1 router: If these files are not there, there is a file that the instructor must obtain from
the Cisco site that starts with the letters “cme-basic” and has a file extension of “.tar”. An
example of the filename is cme-basic-123-11T.tar.