25 - 165 IP Telephony v1.0 Lab 2.1.3 Copyright © 2005, Cisco Systems, Inc.
Step 1 Understanding the two types of switches
a. There are two types of switches that can be used with Cisco IP phones: (1) an inline power
switch and (2) a non-inline power switch. A switch that can provide power to another device such
as an IP phone has the words INLINE POWER stenciled on it as shown below.
A non-inline power switch does not have the words INLINE POWER stenciled on it. An example
of this type of switch is the 2950. The 2950 cannot provide power to other devices such as the
Cisco IP phone.
b. Use the Cisco web site to determine if any model of 29xx switch can provide inline power.
Record the results. __________________________________________________________
Step 2 Cabling the IP phone to an inline power switch
Note: If an inline power switch is not available, skip to Step 3.
a. Locate the two RJ-45 ports on the back of the IP phone.
b. What are the names of the two RJ-45 ports? ______________________________________
c. Connect a power cord to the switch that is to provide the inline power. The switch should power