68 - 165 IP Telephony v1.0 Lab 4.1.4 Copyright © 2005, Cisco Systems, Inc.
b. Associate a pattern to the dial peer by using the global configuration mode command
destination-pattern digits. Refer to Table 2 for the destination patterns being used. Depending
on the pod number, use one of the following commands to configure a destination pattern. Note
that the period(s) at the end of the command is part of the command.
Pod 1- destination-pattern 50[3,4,5].
Pod 2- destination-pattern 50[0,1,2].
Pod 3- destination-pattern 51[0,1,]..
Pod 4- destination-pattern 50[6,7,8].
CMERouterX(config-dial-peer)# destination-pattern digits_fm_list
c. Use the session target ipv4:10.Y.0.X (where the IP address is the partner pod router’s serial
interface address).
CMERouterX(config-dial-peer)# session target ipv4:10.X.0.X
d. The G711 codec is what is used to translate analog voice data to a digital format. G711 uses a
64kbps data rate. Manually configure the codec to be used by entering the command codec
g711ulaw. This codec will be used by any call that matches this dial peer.
CMERouterX(config-dial-peer)# codec g711ulaw
Step 3 Test the Configuration
a. Dial a four digit extension numbers of one of the phones in your partner’s pod and stay
connected. The lowest number pod partner should count aloud the numbers one to ten slowly
into the phone.
b. How is the voice call quality? ____________________________________________________
c. Is the quality of the voice acceptable? ____________________________________
d. Coordinating with your partner pod, place a second simultaneous call between the pods using a
four digit extension. This will force two calls on the WAN link. The highest number pod partner
counts aloud from number one to number 10. After counting, remain connected.
e. How is the voice quality? Is it the same, better, or worse? _______________________________
f. Verify the codec being used by the call is G.711 by quickly pressing blue i or question mark
button (depending on the model of phone) on the IP phones twice while the calls are connected.
g. What does the IP phone display to indicate the codec being used? _______________________
h. Hang up both calls.
Step 4 Reconfigure the Codec
a. From global configuration mode on both pods, access the dial peer with the command dial-peer
voice 6 voip.
CMERouterX(config)# dial-peer voice 6 voip