165 - 165 IP Telephony v1.0 Command List: Copyright © 2005, Cisco Systems, Inc.
Command List:
Command Example Description
archive tar /xtract source
Extracts the contents of a tar to the destination specified
auto assign 2 to 2
Turns on auto registration and configuration of new ephone-dns
button 1:1
Assigns an ephone-dn to a line on the ephone
configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode
copy source destination
create cnf-files
Creates XML files for configuring the IP Phones
default-router 10.X0.0.1
Sets the default gateway that will be assigned to the DHCP clients
Enter privilege executive mode
enable password cisco
Assigns a password to enter privilege exec mode
ephone 1
Enters and creates an ephone
ephone-dn 1 dual-line
Enters and creates a ephone-dn
Goes back one configuration level
hostname name
Assigns a host name to the router
interface fa 0/0
Enters FastEthernet 0/0 configuration mode
ip address 10.X0.0.1
Sets the IP address on the FastEthernet 0/0 interface
ip dhcp excluded-address
10.X0.0.1 10.X0.0.10
Sets a range of address to be excluded from the DHCP pool
ip dhcp pool CMEX
Defines a DHCP pool and enters a DHCP pool mode
ip source-address 10.X0.0.1 port
Sets the interface where Cisco CallManager Express will listen for
skinny messages
keepalive 10
Sets the keep alive to 10 seconds
line vty 0 4
Enters line mode
load 7960-7940 P00303020214
Loads the firmware and will use it for the 7960 and 7940 IP phones
Enables logins on vty connections
mac H.H.H
Associates a physical device to an ephone
Sets the maximum ephone-dn that can be present
Sets the maximum ephones that can be present
name John Smith
Assigns a name to the ephone-dn
Runs eigrp on all interfaces with a network assigned to it
network 10.X0.0.0
Enters a network range and subnet mask to use to assign
addresses and mask to the DHCP clients
no shutdown
Enables the interface
no telephony service
Clears the Call Manager Express configuration
number X000
Assigns a directory number to the ephone-dn
option 150 ip 10.X0.0.1
Set the TFTP server that will be assigned to the DHCP clients
password cisco
Sets a password of cisco on the vtys
router eigrp 100
Starts eigrp with an AS of 100
show flash
Shows the contents of the flash
show running-configuration
Show the current configuration that is loaded and running in RAM
on the router
telephony-service setup
Enters the setup utility
type 7960
Assign a model of IP phone to the ephone