Configuration Guide for Cisco Secure ACS 4.2
Chapter 4 Using RDBMS Synchronization to Create dACLs and Specify Network Configuration
Reading, Updating, and Deleting dACLs
Ta b l e 4-4 Account Action Codes for Creating, Reading, Updating, or Deleting dACLs
Action Code Name Required Description
386 READ_DACL VN, V1 (optional) Use this action code to read dACL attributes and save them in a
file for later use.
VN = contains dACL name or * for all dACLs.
V1 = <output_file_name>
where output_file_name contains the exported dACLs definition.
On the ACS SE, output_file_name specifies the file in the FTP
server for the ACS SE. If not is specified the default filename
DumpDACL.txt is used.
On ACS for Windows, you can specify the absolute file path; for
example, C:\temp\DACL.txt for ACS for Windows. If you do not
specify the file path and filename, ACS writes the data to a file in
the ACS\bin directory.
387 UPDATE_DACL VN, V1(optional) Use this action code to update dACL attributes.
VN = <input_file_name>
where input_file_name specifies the file that contains the
definition for the dACL to be updated.
On the ACS SE platform, input_file_name specifies the file name
present in the FTP server for ACS SE.
You can specify the absolute file path; for example:
C:\DACL\dump.txt for ACS for Windows.
The default option is:
The DACL_REPLACE option replaces the existing dACL with the
new one.
DACL_APPEND appends the new dACL content and its
definition to the existing dACL.
If the dACL has not been defined, the new dACL is added to the
existing list.
The dACL definition is ignored if it contains an invalid definition,
content name, content definition or NAF name.
388 DELETE_DACL VN Use this action code to delete a dACL.
VN = The name of the dACL to delete. To delete all dACLs, code
an asterisk (*).
By default, all the dACLs are deleted.
Users and Groups associated with this dACL will be dereferenced
after deleting the dACL.