Configuration Guide for Cisco Secure ACS 4.2
Chapter 3 Configuring New Features in ACS 4.2
Disabling NetBIOS
Figure 3-2 shows the new options on the NAP Protocols page.
Disabling NetBIOS
Because disabling NetBIOS might be desirable in some cases, you can run ACS 4.2 with NetBIOS
ACS SE 4.2 runs on a customized version of Windows 2003 that includes some but not all Windows 2003
Note Although you can use Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 to disable NetBIOS over
TCP/IP (NetBT), many corporate networks do not, since most of them still have legacy (Windows 9.x or
Windows NT) machines on their network. These machines need NetBIOS to function properly on a
network, since they use NetBIOS to log in to domains, find one another, and establish sessions for
accessing shared resources.
Ta b l e 3-2 New Options on the NAP Protocols Page
Option Description:
Use PACs Click the Use PACs radio button if you want ACS to
authenticate clients to which this NAP is applied by using
EAP-FAST with PACs enabled.
If you click the Use PACs radio button, then the same
EAP-FAST configuration options that are available in the
global EAP-FAST configuration are available.
Do Not Use PACs Click the Do Not Use PACs radio button if you want ACS to
authenticate clients to which this NAP is applied by using
EAP-FAST without PACs enabled.
Require Client Certificate If you click the Do Not Use PACs radio button, the Require
Client Certificate option is available. Choose this option to
require a client certification for EAP-FAST tunnel
Disable Client Certificate Lookup
and Comparisons
If you click the Do Not Use PACs radio button, you can check
the Disable Client Certificate Lookup and Comparisons check
box to disable client certificate lookup and to enable
EAP-FAST PKI Authorization Bypass.
If you check the Disable Client Certificate Lookup and
Comparisons check box, ACS establishes an EAP-FAST
tunnel without authorizing the user based on user group data or
a public key infrastructure (PKI) certificate in a user database;
instead, ACS maps the user to a preconfigured user group.
Assign Group If you check the Disable Client Certificate Lookup and
Comparisons check box; then, from the drop-down list of user
groups in the Assign Group field, select a user group to apply
to the client.