
Configuration Guide for Cisco Secure ACS 4.2
Chapter 9 NAC Configuration Scenario
Step 2: Perform Network Configuration Tasks
Step 2 Do one of the following:
If you are using Network Device Groups (NDGs), click the name of the NDG to which you want to
assign the AAA client. Then, click Add Entry below the AAA Clients table.
To add AAA clients when you have not enabled NDGs, click Not Assigned and then click Add
Entry below the AAA Clients table.
The Add AAA Client page opens, shown in Figure 9-1.
Figure 9-1 Add AAA Client Page
Step 3 In the AAA Client Hostname box, type the name assigned to this AAA client (up to 32
Step 4 In the AAA Client IP Address box, type the AAA client IP address or addresses.
Note You can define all network access devices (NADs) as a single AAA client by entering IP address
wildcards; for example, *.*.*.*. Note however, that AAA client definitions with wildcards
cannot overlap with other AAA client definitions, regardless of the authentication type
configured for the AAA clients.