Configuration Guide for Cisco Secure ACS 4.2
Chapter 3 Configuring New Features in ACS 4.2
Turning Ping On and Off
Note ACS saves the generic LDAP configuration that you created. You can now add it to your Unknown User
Policy or assign specific user accounts to use this database for authentication.
Turning Ping On and Off
With ACS 4.2, you can enable and disable pinging of the ACS SE device. Prior to release 4.2, when
remote devices sent a ping request to an SE device, the ping was always rejected because, by default, the
Cisco Security Agent (CSA) runs on the ACS SE device. CSA automatically rejects remote ping
ACS 4.2 provides software patches for you to turn ping on and off by updating the policies in the CSA:
• Ping Turn On Patch—This patch turns on the ping option in the CSA, which makes it possible to
ping the ACS SE.
• Ping Turn Off Patch—This patch turns off the ping option in the CSA, which causes the ACS SE
to reject pings.
For detailed information on installing these patches, see “Turning Ping On and Off” in Chapter 3 of the
the Installation Guide for Cisco Secure ACS Solution Engine, 4.2, “Installing and Configuring Cisco
Secure ACS Solution Engine 4.2.”