Configuration Guide for Cisco Secure ACS 4.2
Chapter 4 Using RDBMS Synchronization to Create dACLs and Specify Network Configuration
Reading, Updating, and Deleting dACLs
Reading, Updating, and Deleting dACLs
Table 4-4 lists the account action codes that you can use to read, update, or delete a dACL.
Failed to import DACL file.
Possible Cause The user ID specified in the
RDBMS Synchronization configuration does
not have write access to the ACS.
Recommended Action Ensure that the specified
user has write access to the ACS.
Failed to access Host DB.
Possible Cause The CSDBSync service could
not access the database on the host ACS.
Recommended Action Ensure that the database
on the ACS is configured correctly and
enabled correctly in the ACS GUI.
Table 4-3 dACL Creation Errors (continued)
Error Message Explanation