Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 13 Configuring Interface Characteristics
Configuring the Cisco RPS 2300 in a Mixed Stack
Beginning in user EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure and manage the RPS 2300:
Command Purpose
Step 1
power rps switch-number name {string | serialnumber} Specify the name of the RPS 2300.
The keywords have these meanings:
• switch-number—Specify the stack member to
which the RPS 2300 is connected. The range
is 1 to 9, depending on the switch member
ers in the stack. This keyword is supported
only on Catalyst 3750-E switches.
• name—Set the name of the RPS 2300 and enter
one of these options:
string—Specify the name such as port1 or
“port 1”. Using quotation marks before and
after the name is optional, but you must use
quotation marks if you want to include
spaces in the port name. The name can have
up to 16 characters.
serialnumber—Configure the switch to
use the RPS 2300 serial number as the
Step 2
power rps switch-number port rps-port-id mode {active |
Specify the mode of the RPS 2300 port.
The keywords have these meanings:
• switch-number—Specify the stack member to
which the RPS 2300 is connected. The range
is 1 to 9, depending on the switch member
ers in the stack. This keyword is supported
only on Catalyst 3750-E switches.
• port rps-port-id—Specify the RPS 2300 port.
The range is from 1 to 6.
• mode—Set the mode of the RPS 2300 port:
active—The RPS 2300 can provide the
power to a switch when the switch internal
power supply cannot.
standby—The RPS 2300 is not providing
power to a switch.
The default mode for RPS ports is acti
Step 3
power rps switch-number port rps-port-id priority priority Set the priority of the RPS 2300 port. The range is
from 1 to 6, where 1 is the highest priority and 6 is
the lowest priority.
The default port priority is 6.
Step 4
show env rps Verify your settings.
Step 5
copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration