Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 42 Configuring IP Unicast Routing
Configuring ISO CLNS Routing
To disable default route generation, use the no default-information originate router configuration
command. Use the no area-password or no domain-password router configuration command to disable
passwords. To disable LSP MTU settings, use the no lsp mtu router configuration command. To return
to the default conditions for summary addressing, LSP refresh interval, LSP lifetime, LSP timers, SFP
timers, and PRC timers, use the no form of the commands. Use the no partition avoidance router
configuration command to disable the output format.
Configuring IS-IS Interface Parameters
You can optionally configure certain interface-specific IS-IS parameters, independently from other
attached routers. However, if you change some values from the defaults, such as multipliers and time
intervals, it makes sense to also change them on multiple routers and interfaces. Most of the interface
parameters can be configured for level 1, level 2, or both.
These are some interface level parameters you can configure:
• The default metric on the interface, which is used as a value for the IS-IS metric and assigned when
there is no quality of service (QoS) routing performed.
• The hello interval (length of time between hello packets sent on the interface) or the default hello
packet multiplier used on the interface to determine the hold time sent in IS-IS hello packets. The
hold time determines how long a neighbor waits for another hello packet before declaring the
neighbor down. This determines how quickly a failed link or neighbor is detected so that routes can
be recalculated. Change the hello-multiplier in circumstances where hello packets are lost
Step 14
prc-interval prc-max-wait
[prc-initial-wait prc-second-wait]
(Optional) Sets IS-IS partial route computation (PRC) throttling timers.
• prc-max-wait—the maximum interval (in seconds) between two
consecutive PRC calculations. The range is 1 to 120; the default is 5.
• prc-initial-wait—the initial PRC calculation delay (in milliseconds)
after a topology change. The range is 1 to 10,000; the default is 2000.
• prc-second-wait—the hold time between the first and second PRC
calculation (in milliseconds). The range is 1 to 10,000; the default is
Step 15
log-adjacency-changes [all] (Optional) Set the router to log IS-IS adjacency state changes. Enter all to
include all changes generated by events that are not related to the
Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System Hellos, including End
System-to-Intermediate System PDUs and link state packets (LSPs).
Step 16
lsp-mtu size (Optional) Specify the maximum LSP packet size in bytes. The range is 128
to 4352; the default is 1497 bytes.
Note If any link in the network has a reduced MTU size, you must change
the LSP MTU size on all routers in the network.
Step 17
partition avoidance (Optional) Causes an IS-IS Level 1-2 border router to stop advertising the
Level 1 area prefix into the Level 2 backbone when full connectivity is lost
among the border router, all adjacent level 1 routers, and end hosts.
Step 18
end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 19
show clns Verify your entries.
Step 20
copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Command Purpose