Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 43 Configuring IPv6 Unicast Routing
Configuring IPv6
To disable IPv4 routing, use the no ip routing global configuration command. To disable IPv6 routing,
use the no ipv6 unicast-routing global configuration command. To remove an IPv4 address from an
interface, use the no ip address ip-address mask interface configuration command. To remove an IPv6
address from an interface, use the no ipv6 address ipv6-prefix/prefix length eui-64 or no ipv6 address
ipv6-address link-local interface configuration command. To remove all manually configured IPv6
addresses from an interface, use the no ipv6 address interface configuration command without
arguments. To disable IPv6 processing on an interface that has not been explicitly configured with an
IPv6 address, use the no ipv6 enable interface configuration command.
This example shows how to enable IPv4 and IPv6 routing on an interface.
Switch(config)# sdm prefer dual-ipv4-and-ipv6 default
Switch(config)# ip routing
Switch(config)# ipv6 unicast-routi
Switch(config)# interface fastethe
Switch(config-if)# no switchport
Switch(config-if)# ip address 192.
Switch(config-if)# ipv6 address 20
01:0DB8:c18:1::/64 eui 64
Switch(config-if)# end
Configuring DHCP for IPv6 Address Assignment
• Default DHCPv6 Address Assignment Configuration, page 43-15
• DHCPv6 Address Assignment Configuration Guidelines, page 43-15
• Enabling DHCPv6 Server Function, page 43-16
• Enabling DHCPv6 Client Function, page 43-18
Default DHCPv6 Address Assignment Configuration
By default, no DHCPv6 features are configured on the switch.
DHCPv6 Address Assignment Configuration Guidelines
When configuring DHCPv6 address assignment, consider these guidelines:
• In the procedures, the specified interface must be one of these Layer 3 interfaces:
DHCPv6 IPv6 routing must be enabled on a Layer 3 interface.
SVI: a VLAN interface created by using the interface vlan vlan_id command.
EtherChannel port channel in Layer 3 mode: a port-channel logical interface created by using
the interface port-channel port-channel-number command.
• Before configuring DHCPv6, you must select a Switch Database Management (SDM) template that
supports IPv4 and IPv6.
• The switch can act as a DHCPv6 client, server, or relay agent. The DHCPv6 client, server, and relay
function are mutually exclusive on an interface.
• The DHCPv6 client, server, or relay agent runs only on the master switch. When there is a stack
master re-election, the new master switch retains the DHCPv6 configuration. However, the local
RAM copy of the DHCP server database lease information is not retained.