Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Configuring IPv6 Unicast Routing
This chapter describes how to configure IPv6 unicast routing on the Catalyst 3750-X or 3560-X switch.
For information about configuring IPv4 unicast routing, see Chapte
r 42, “Configuring IP Unicast
Routing.”For information about configuring IPv6 Multica
st Listener Discovery (MLD) snooping, see
Chapter 27, “Configuring IPv6 MLD Snooping.” For information on configuring IPv6 acce
ss control
lists (ACLs) see Chapter 38, “Configuring IPv6 ACLs.”
Note To use all IPv6 features in this chapter, the switch or stack master must be running the IP services feature
set. Switches running the IP base feature set support only IPv6 static routing and RIP for IPv6. Switches
running the LAN base feature set support only IPv6 host functionality.
To enable IPv6 routing, you must you must configure the switch to use the a dual IPv4 and IPv6 switch
database management (SDM) template. See the “Dual IPv4 and IPv6 Protocol Stacks” section on
page 43-5.
Unless otherwise noted, the term sw
itch refers to a Catalyst 3750-X or 3560-X standalone switch and to
a Catalyst 3750-X switch stack.
Note For complete syntax and usage information for the commands used in this chapter, see the Cisco IOS
documentation referenced in the procedures
This chapter consists of these sections:
• “Understanding IPv6” section on page 43-1
• “Configuring IPv6” section on page 43-10
• “Displaying IPv6” section on page 43-27
Understanding IPv6
IPv4 users can move to IPv6 and receive services such as end-to-end security, quality of service (QoS),
and globally unique addresses. The IPv6 address space reduces the need for private addresses and
Network Address Translation (NAT) processing by border routers at network edges.
For information about how Cisco Systems implements IPv6, go to this URL: