Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 13 Configuring Interface Characteristics
Configuring the Cisco RPS 2300 in a Mixed Stack
If you enter a value that is outside the allowed range for the specific type of interface, the value is not
This example shows how to set the maximum packet size for a Gigabit Ethernet port to 7500 bytes:
Switch(config)# system mtu jumbo 7500
Switch(config)# exit
Switch# r
This example shows the response when you try to set Gigabit Ethernet interfaces to an out-of-range
Switch(config)# system mtu jumbo 25000
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
Configuring the Cisco RPS 2300 in a Mixed Stack
In a mixed stack with Catalyst 3750-X and 3750-E switches, one or more Catalyst 3750-E switches can
be connected to a Cisco Redundant Power System 2300, also known as the RPS 2300. You can configure
and manage an RPS 2300 connected to a Catalyst 3750-E switch in the stack.
Note The Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X switches do not have RPS connectors. These switches can be
connected to an XPS-2200 expandable power supply (not available at this time). The Catalyst 3750-X
switch also has stack power connectors. See Chapter 9, “Configuring Catalyst 3750-X StackPower” for
information on stack power.
Follow these guidelines when configuring the RSP-2300:
• The RPS name is a 16-character-maximum string.
• In a switch stack, the RPS name applies to the RPS ports connected to the specified switch.
• If you do not want the RPS 2300 to provide power to a switch, but do not want to disconnect the
RPS cable between the switch and the RPS 2300, use the power rps switch-number port rps-port-id
mode standby user EXEC command.
• You can configure the priority of an RPS 2300 port from 1 to 6. Specifying a value of 1 assigns the
port and its connected devices the highest priority and specifying a value of 6 assigns the port and
its connected devices the lowest priority.
If multiple switches connected to the RPS 2300 need power, the RPS 2300 provides power to the
tches with the highest priority. If the RPS 2300 still has power available, it can then provide
power to the switches with lower priorities.