
ViewSonic NMP-500 12 of 38
4 In the Browser Proxy IP field, type an IP address if the Browser Proxy was Enabled.
5 In the Browser Proxy PORT field, type the port if the Browser Proxy was Enabled.
6 In the Default transparency between OSD and video layer field, type a number that is
between 0 to 255: (128 is average where video and graphics blend together). Also, see
examples in the Transparency section of this guide.
0 = video only, no graphics
255 = graphics only, no video
7 In the Start screen display time field, type the number of milliseconds you want the initial
screen to be displayed at startup. (1 millisecond = 1/1000 second)
8 In the Screen Height field, type the height of the screen that is displaying your graphics
9 In the Screen Width field, type the width of the screen that is displaying your graphics image.
10 If any changes were made to this screen, do the following:
To enable the changes, click Apply
To save the changes, click the Administration menu > click Save Configuration > click Save.