1 Touch [Game Alert].
2 Touch [c Prev] or [Next d] to select the
3 Touch [c Prev] or [Next d] to select the
4 Touch [On/Off].
The team displayed as [On] is the alert target.
p When the selected team is excluded from
the alert target, the team is displayed as
[Off]. Up to 12 teams can be selected.
If you have already selected 12 teams,
“FULL” is displayed and adding new entries
is not possible. In this case, delete a team
and then try again.
Changing the alert setting
You can enable or disable the alert for selected
items. This function is useful when you want
to turn the alert off temporarily without chan-
ging the setting of each selected team.
1 Touch [Game Alert].
2 Touch [Alert].
Each touch of [Alert] turns it on or off.
When a game involving one of your
favorite teams is broadcast
A message is displayed. Touch [Jump]to
switch the station to view the game informa-
tion. If you touch [Stay], the station does not
p Alerts may not be available depending on
the status of the navigation system.
Displaying Game Information
An alert will be displayed when a game with
the team you selected is about to start (or is
currently under way). You can also display
game information and changes to the broad-
cast channel.
p The Game Information function is available
when “Alert” is “On” in “Game Alert”.
1 Touch [Game Info].
2 Touch [Prev] or [Next] to view the game
score information that is registered.
p The game score will be updated automati-
p Touch [Tune To] to switch to the channel
that broadcasts the displayed game.
p If you have not selected anyteam,
“Not Set” is displayed.
p When no games involving your favorite
teams are currently being played
“NO GAME” is displayed.
Using the SIRIUS tuner