
410 VT1422A Command Reference Chapter 7
Command Quick Reference
CALibration (continued)
:REMote? Calibrates Remote Signal Conditioning Units
:DATA Sends RSC cal constants from CAL:REM:DATA? back to VT1422A
:DATA? Queries VT1422A for all remote cal constants
:STORe Copies RSCU calibration constants from working ram to non-volatile memory
:SETup Performs Channel Calibration procedure
:SETup? Returns state of CAL:SETup operation (returns error codes or 0 for OK)
:STORe ADC | TARE Store cal constants to non-volatile Flash RAM for either A/D calibration or
those generated by the CAL:TARE command
:TARE (@<ch_list>) Calibrate out system field wiring offsets
:RESet Resets cal constants from CAL:TARE back to zero for all channels
:TARE? Returns state of CAL:TARE operation (returns error codes or 0 for OK)
:RESistance <ref_ohms> Send to instrument the value of just measured reference resistor
:VOLTage <ref_volts> Send to instrument the value of just measured voltage reference
:ZERO? Correct A/D for short term offset drift (returns error codes or 0 for OK)
[:MODE] 0 | 1 Set analog DAC output SCP calibration mode
[:MODE]? Return current setting of DAC calibration mode
[:MODE] 0 | 1 Set mode to control OTD current during tare calibration
[:MODE]? Return current setting of OTD control during tare calibration
:CHECksum? Perform checksum on Flash RAM and return a '1' for OK, a '0' for corrupted
or deleted memory contents
:CONNect <source>,<mode>,(@<ch_list>) connect VT1529A/B channels to measure internal values for verification
:MXB <slope>,<offset>,(@<ch_list>) Generates and loads linear custom EU table
:PIECewise <table_ad_range>,<table_block>,(@<ch_list>) Loads piecewise custom EU table
:REFerence:TEMPerature Puts the contents of the Reference Temperature Register into the FIFO
:INTerrupt[:LINe] <intr_line> Sets the VXIbus interrupt line the module will use
:INTerrupt[:LINe]? Returns the VXIbus interrupt line the module is using
:OTDetect[:STATe] ON | OFF, (@<ch_list>) Controls "Open Transducer Detect" on SCPs contained in <ch_list>
:OTDetect[:STATe]? (@<channel>) Returns current state of OTD on SCP containing <channel>
:SCPREAD? <reg_addr> Returns value from an SCP register
:NUMber? <test_num>,<iterations>,(@<channel>) Performs single selected self-test on RSCU a selected number of times
:SELFtest? (@<channel>) Performs complete self-test on Remote Signal Conditioning Units
:VERSion? Returns manufacturer, model, serial#, flash revision # and date
e.g., HEWLETT-PACKARD,E1422A,US34000478,A.04.00,
Wed Jul 08 11:06:22 MDT 1994
FETCh? Return readings stored in VME Memory (format set by FORM cmd)
SCPI Command Quick Reference
Command Description