Programming the VT1422A for Data Acquisition and Control 113Chapter 4
NOTES 1. Resistance temperature measurements (RTDs and THERmistors)
require the use of Current Source Signal Conditioning Plug-Ons.
The following table shows the Current Source setting that must be
used for the following RTDs and Thermistors:
2. The <sub_type> parameter values of 2250, 5000, and 10000 refer to
thermistors that match the Omega 44000 series temperature response
curve. These 44000 series thermistors have been selected to match the
curve within 0.1 or 0.2 °C.
To set channels 0 through 15 to measure temperature using 2,250 Ω
thermistors (in this case, paired to current source SCP channels 16
through 31):
OUTP:CURR:AMPL 488e-6,(@116:131)
set excite current to 488 μA on current SCP channels 16 through 31
SENS:FUNC:TEMP THER, 2250, (@100:115)
link channels 0 through 15 to temperature EU conversion for 2,250 Ω thermistor
To set channels 32 through 47 to measure temperature using 10,000 Ω
thermistors (in this case paired to current source SCP channels 48 through 63):
OUTP:CURR:AMPL 30e-6,(@148:163)
set excite current to 30 μA on current SCP channels 48 through 63
SENS:FUNC:TEMP THER, 10000, (@132:147)
link channels 32 through 47 to temperature EU conversion for 10 kΩ thermistor
To set channels 48 through 63 to measure temperature using 100 Ω RTDs
with a TC of 0.00385 ohm/ohm/
°C (in this case paired to current source SCP
channels 32 through 47):
OUTP:CURR:AMPL 488e-6,(@132:147)
set excite current to 488 μA on current SCP channels 32 through 47
SENS:FUNC:TEMP RTD, 85, (@148:163)
link channels 48 through 63 to temperature EU conversion for 100 Ω RTDs
with 0.00385 TC
Required Current
Temperature Sensor Types
and Subtypes
MAX (488 µA) RTD,85 | 92 and THER,2250
MIN (30 µA) THER,5000 | 10000