234 VT1422A Command Reference Chapter 7
Optional Parameters
Parameters shown within square brackets ([]) are optional parameters. (Note that the
brackets are not part of the command and should not be sent to the instrument.) If a
value is not specified for an optional parameter, the instrument chooses a default
value. For example, consider the FORMAT:DATA <type>[,<length>] command. If
the command is sent without specifying <length>, a default value for <length> will
be selected depending on the <type> of format specified. For example:
FORMAT:DATA ASC will set [,<length>] to the default for ASC of 7
FORMAT:DATA REAL will set [,<length>] to the default for REAL of 32
FORMAT:DATA REAL, 64 will set [,<length>] to 64
Be sure to place a space between the command and the first parameter.
Linking commands is used to send more than one complete command in a single
command statement.
Linking IEEE-488.2 Common Commands with SCPI Commands. Use a
semicolon between the commands. For example:
Linking Multiple complete SCPI Commands. Use both a semicolon and a colon
between the commands. For example:
The semicolon as well as separating commands tells the SCPI parser to expect the
command keyword following the semicolon to be at the same hierarchical level
(and part of the same command branch) as the keyword preceding the semicolon.
The colon immediately following the semicolon tells the SCPI parser to reset the
expected hierarchical level to Root.
Linking a complete SCPI Command with other keywords from the same
branch and level. Separate the first complete SCPI command from next partial
command with the semicolon only. For example take the following portion of the
[SENSE] subsystem command tree (the FUNCtion branch):
:RESistance <range>,(@<ch_list>)
:TEMPerature <sensor>[,<range>,](@<ch_list>)
:VOLTage[:DC] [<range>,](@<ch_list>)
Rather than sending a complete SCPI command to set each function, send:
FUNC:RES 10000,(@100:107);TEMP RTD, 92,(@108:115);VOLT (@116,123)
This sets the first eight channels to measure resistance, the next eight channels to
measure temperature and the next eight channels to measure voltage.