VT1422A Command Reference 407Chapter 7
IEEE-488.2 Common Command Reference
Test# Description
20: Checks that SCP ID makes sense
30-32: Checks relay driver and fet mux interface with EU CPU
33,71: Checks opening of all relays on power down or input overvoltage
34-37: Check fet mux interface with A/D digital
Test# Description
40-42: Checks internal voltage reference
43-44: Checks zero of A/D, internal cal source and relay drives
45-46: Checks fine offset calibration DAC
47-48: Checks coarse offset calibration DAC
49: Checks internal + and -15 V supplies
50-53: Checks internal calibration source
54-55: Checks gain calibration DAC
56-57: Checks that autorange works
58-59: Checks internal current source
60-63: Checks front end and A/D noise and A/D filter
64: Checks zeroing of coarse and fine offset calibration DACs
65-70: Checks current source and CAL BUS relay and relay drives and ohm
relay drive
71: See 33
72-73: Checks continuity through SCPs, bank relays and relay drivers
74: Checks open transducer detect
75: Checks current leakage of the SCPs
76: Checks voltage offset of the SCPs
80: Checks mid-scale strain dac output. Only reports first channel of SCP.
81: Checks range of strain DAC. Only reports first channel of SCP.
82: Checks noise of strain DAC. Only reports first channel of SCP.
83: Checks bridge completion leg resistance each channel.
84: Checks combined leg resistance each channel.
86: Checks current source SCP's OFF current.
87: Checks current source SCP's current dac mid-scale.
88: Checks current source SCP's current dac range on HI and LO ranges.
89: Checks current source compliance
90: Checks strain SCP's Wagner Voltage control.
91: Checks autobalance dac range with input shorted.
92: Sample and Hold channel holds value even when input value changed.
93: Sample and Hold channel held value test for droop rate.