- 12 -
Figure 11
Port Type: please select the port type (TCP or UDP) for the port number that was entered
Note: Maximum 12 Server Entries is allowed. Each port number can only be assigned to one
IP address.
Packet Filters
In the Packet Filters setup screen, you can block specific internal users from accessing the
Internet and you can also disable specific Internet services. You can set up the filters through
the following three types of filter. Each filter can be set to filter (drop) or forward (pass)
packets. You can input up to six filters in this device.
MAC Address Filter: filter according to local computer’s network adapter MAC address (also
known as the adapter card’s Physical Address).
IP Address Filter: Filter with computer’s IP address. You can filter a single IP, or a range of
the IP addresses.
?? LANIP: filtering IP address of a local computer.
?? WANIP: filtering IP address of a remote server (this remote server that connects to
Internet via this Internet Station).
Port Filter: Filter using the port number. You can set filter for a single port or a range of ports.
?? TCP port: filter according to the Connection-Based Application Service on the
remote server using the port number.
?? UDP port: filter according to the Connectionless Application Service on the remote
server using the port number.