05_DocMonRef-Window.fm Modified: 8/7/02
Template Version 1.0
186 GL-1020 Operator’s Guide (Basic)
Job status information
n Document Name—is the name of the document that is printing.
n Status—is the state or condition of the job.
n Scheduled to Print—for Scheduled Print jobs, this item
displays the date and time the job is scheduled to print in
localized form.
n Owner—identifies who submitted the job.
n Pages—shows the pages in the job and number of pages
printed. For example, 10/100 indicates that 10 pages of a
100-page job have printed.
n Size—is the size of the print job in bytes.
n Submitted—is the date and time that print job was submitted.
n Copies—for Scheduled Print jobs, this item contains the
number of copies requested.