Modified: 8/7/02
Template Version 1.0
GL-1020 Operator’s Guide (Basic) 163
Manipulating Images on a PC
Using the GL-PSL3 Printer Driver, you can adjust the way
images or a page is printed. This driver supports mirror image,
negative image, image rotation and scaling.
1 Select the
GL-PSL3 Printer Driver from the Print window.
3Click the
Quality tab.
4 Select from the following options:
Rotate 180 Degrees—turns the image upside down.
Mirror—flips the image. If the page orientation is portrait, the
image flips along the vertical axis; if the page orientation is
landscape, the image flips along the horizontal axis.
Negative—reverses the image. In other words, to print the
white areas of the page black, and the black areas of the page
Zoom slide bar—increases and decreases the image size.
To the left to decreases and the right increases the size.
The graphic to the right previews how the page will print
with the selected options.
Save Settings to continue setting print options or click
Print to begin printing.