06_PrintProceduresAdvanced.fm Modified: 8/7/02
Template Version 1.0
GL-1020 Operator’s Guide (Basic) 131
delete the job from the queue and then resubmit it with a new
Document Identification Number.
Apply to accept the settings and continue making
selections from other tabs or click
OK to close the Properties
OK to begin sending the print job to the printer.
You can use the GL-DocMon application to monitor the
status of the print job from your workstation and determine
when it is ready to print.
Releasing the Confidential Job for Printing
Using the private print feature involves two steps:
1 Enter a document password for the job and send it to the
GL-1020. This step is platform-specific.
2 From the control panel of the TOSHIBA e-STUDIO550/650/
810, release the job for printing. This step is the same for all
Printing Confidential Documents (Private Print jobs) on
the Macintosh
1 Choose
Print from the File menu.
2 Choose the
Printing Modes properties category.
3 From the Print Mode drop-down list, choose
Sample Macintosh private printing window
4 Enter the five-digit Private Document Identification Number
(DIN) in the field.
You can enter less than five digits, but the controller expects
the preceding digit, which in this case would be zero (0).