06_PrintProceduresAdvanced.fm Modified: 8/7/02
Template Version 1.0
GL-1020 Operator’s Guide (Basic) 149
cover will be printed: neither (blank), outside or inside only
simplex), or outside and inside (duplex).
6 Select the paper
Source for the front and back covers from the
drop-down lists.
Apply to accept the settings and continue making
selections from other tabs or click
OK to close the Properties
OK to begin printing.
Printing Covers on the Macintosh
You can print cover pages, or banner pages, that contain
information about the owner of the job, the job title, the
application used, the date and time, the printer name, and the
number of pages.
Cover Options
Front—Simplex The first page of the document is
printed on the outside of the front
Front—Duplex The first page of the document is
printed on the outside of the front
cover and the second page of the
document is printed on the inside of
the front cover.
Back—Simplex Last page of the document is printed
on the inside of the back cover.
Back—Duplex Second to last page is printed on the
inside of the back cover and the last
page is printed on the outside of the
back cover.