Chapter 4: Management with WebPAM PRO
Refresh Time
This tab sets the refresh interval for the Event Frame.
1. Click the Software Management icon under Administration Tools.
2. Click the Refresh Time tab.
3. Enter the refresh interval in seconds.
4. Click the Submit button when you are done.
Restart Tomcat Service (Windows)
When you make changes to the WebPAM PRO Security settings, you must
restart the Tomcat service—on the the PC or fileserver where the Utility Server is
installed—for your changes to take effect.
1. Right-click on the My Computer icon and select Manage from the popup
menu. The Computer Management window opens.
2. Click on the + beside Services and Applications to expand the tree.
3. Click on Services. The Services window displays to the right.
4. In the Services window, right-click on Tomcat and select Restart from the
popup menu.
5. Close the Computer Management window.
Security features use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) method of encryption. SSL
is a well-proven method of securing transactions used extensively for e-
commerce and confidential transactions on the Internet. With security installed,
you log in using Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS).
External SSL Security – Applies security to all connections involving the
Internet or outside your company firewall.
Security options are invisible to authorized users. At the same time, they ensure
that information about your RAID remains confidential, and commands and data
traveling over the network are not altered in any way.