VTrak 15110 User Manual
This action anticipates and prevents a disk drive failure and resulting Critical
Status. The logical drive is available at all times. To perform PDM manually,
see page 185.
1. Press 5 and Enter to access the PDM Auto Start Option.
PDM Auto Start: Disabled
Enable PDM Auto start(y/n)?>y
2. Press Y and Enter to enable PDM.
Current PDM Threshold:
Remap percentage threshold: 0%
Error count threshold: 0
PDM Threshold
1. Remap Percentage
2. Error Count
R. Return to Previous Menu
Please enter your menu choice>1
3. Press 1 and Enter to specify remap percentage.
Current remap percentage threshold: 0%
Change the threshold(y/n)?>y
Enter the new threshold(0~100)>50
Current remap percentage threshold: 50%
Press Enter key to return
4. Press Y and Enter to confirm a Threshold change.
Remap percentage refers to the disk drive’s bad sector remapping table. The
table holds 32 bad sector remaps. The percentage indicates how full the
table must be to trigger PDM.
5. Type a number between 0 and 100 for remap percentage and press Enter.
6. Press Enter to return to the PDM Threshold submenu.
7. Press 2 and Enter to specify Error Count.
Current error count threshold: 0
Change the threshold(y/n)?>y
Enter the new threshold>5
Current error count threshold: 5
Press Enter key to return
8. Press Y and Enter to confirm a Threshold change.
Error count indictes the number of disk drive errors needed to trigger PDM.