Chapter 6: Maintenance
5. Watch the terminal screen for the following:
Scrub DDR, waiting
Platform Init Done.
6. At the
+, press the Ctrl and F keys at the same time.
The prompt changes to >BSP.
7. At BSP> type load -r -v -b 0x01008000 -m y.
Double-check your entry. Then press Enter.
This command readies VTrak to receive a file transfer via Y-modem protocol.
You have approximately 90 seconds to initiate the file transfer before the
load operation times out.
8. Start the file transfer. For example, if you are using HyperTerminal:
• Go to Transfer > Send File
• Click on the firmware image file to select it.
Example: VTrak-
• Select Y-modem protocol
•Click Send
The file transfer takes about 20 minutes. When complete, the BSP> prompt
will reappear.
9. At BSP> type ptiflash -b 0x01008000.
Double-check your entry. Then press Enter.
This command validates the firmware upgrade file then writes the binary
image to VTrak’s flash ROM. These actions take about 8 minutes. When
complete, the BSP> prompt will reappear.
10. Type reset and press Enter to restart the VTrak.
This completes the firmware update operation.