
VTrak 15110 User Manual
Promise Technology provides a default certificate for the server as well as for
internal data communication. However, it is always better to install your own
certificate for the web server. And, if possible, verify certificate by certificate
authority like Verisign or Thwate.
Security options were originally set during installation. They can be changed by
modifying certain configuration files, discussed below.
1. Go to directory C:\WebPAM\tomcat\conf\ (this is the default directory) on the
webserver host and open file server.xml.
2. Modify the file so that it agrees with the example above. This configuration
activates the 8080 (non-secure) and 8443 (secure) ports.
3. Save the file.
4. Restart the Tomcat service for the new parameters to take effect. See
page 91.
Subsystem Management
The Subsystem–Events tab lists the content of the Log File. The Log file records
all actions on this subsystem for use in management and troubleshooting.
You can set the number of events to display per page from the dropdown menu.
A smaller number of events will take up less room on the screen.
Click on the Previous Events and Next Events buttons at the bottom of the
page to navigate though the events.
Events (below)
Connection Status (page 94)
User Rights (page 94)