Maintenance and Repair
Figure 25. Remove indicated screws to
flip open the hinged Pioneer 2-AT rear
Figure 26. Remove indicated screws to
flip open the Pioneer 2-DXE rear Deck.
Factory Repairs
If, after reading this manual, you’re having hardware problems with your Pioneer or
PeopleBot robot and you’re satisfied that it needs repair, contact us:
(603) 924-2184 (fax)
(603) 924-9100 (voice)
In the body of your email or fax message, describe the problem in as much detail as
possible. Also, include your name, email and mail addresses, as well as phone and fax
numbers. Tell us when and how we can best contact you (we will assume email is the
best manner, unless otherwise notified).
We will try to resolve the problem through communication. If the robot must be returned
to the factory for repair, obtain a shipping and repair authorization code and shipping
details from us first.
We are not responsible for shipping damage or loss.