
Pioneer 2 Operating System
IOREQUEST 40 none Request 1 or a continuous stream (>1) or
tell to stop sending (0) IO SIPs
– 1.E
PTUPOS 41 int msb is the port number (1-4) and lsb is the
pulse width in 100µsec units PSOS, 10µsec
units P2OS. Version 1.J uses RC-servo
40ms duty cycle.
4.5 1.2
TTY2 42 string Send string argument to serial device
connected to AUX port on microcontroller
4.2 1.0
GETAUX 43 int Request to retrieve 1-200 bytes from the
aux serial channel; 0 flushes the aux serial
input buffer.
BUMP_STALL 44 int Stop and register a stall if front (1), rear (2)
or either (3) bump-ring contacted. Off
(default) is 0.
– 1.5
TCM2 45 int TCM2 Module commands; see TCM2
Manual for details.
– 1.6
DOCK 46 int Default is 0=OFF; 1=enable docking
signals; 2=enable docking signals and stop
the robot when docking power sensed.
JOYDRIVE 47 int Default is O=OFF; 1=allow joystick drive
from hardware port
– 1.G
E_STOP 55 none Emergency stop, overrides deceleration 1.8
E_STALL 56 int Emergency stop button causes stall on
PeopleBot only
– 1.E
STEP 64 none Single-step mode (simulator only) 3.x 1.0
ARM 70
Please consult the Pioneer 2 Arm Manual
for details.
ROTKP 82 int Change rotation’s proportional drive factor 1.J
ROTKV 83 int Change rotation’s differential drive factor – 1.J
ROTKI 84 int Change rotation’s integral drive factor 1.J
TRANSKP 85 int Change translation proportional drive factor
TRANSKV 86 int Change translation differential drive factor
TRANSKI 87 int Change translation integral drive factor
PLAYLIST 90 int Must be 0; request AmigoBot sound playlist 1.E
The client must send a command packet at least once every watchdog (default is two)
seconds (see next chapter). Otherwise, the robot’s onboard drives automatically stop,
but will resume again on receipt of a client packet. To maintain the watchdog, Saphira,
for instance, sends the action-less PULSE command in the absence of other client
A P2OS command is comprised of a one-byte command number optionally followed by,
if required by the command, a one-byte description of the argument type and the
argument value.
Client Command Argument Types
There are four types of P2OS client command arguments: none, unsigned integers two
bytes long, signed integers two bytes long, and NULL-terminated strings consisting of as
many as 196 characters.
The byte order, where applicable, is least-significant byte first. Negative integers are
transmitted as their absolute value (unlike information packets, which use sign extension