
Updating and Reconfiguring P2OS
Saving and Restoring
The p2oscf program lets you save and restore whole configuration sets from disk-stored
files. This lets you easily configure your robot for various different environments, as well as
maintain a record of your original and test parameters.
To save your current configuration to a disk file, get connected through p2oscf as
described earlier. This loads the current operating parameters into the configuration
editor. Then simply save your current configuration to disk. For example:
save C:\p2os\myP2DX
The command does not change the working configuration in any way.
Use the p2oscf restore command to not only retrieve the current operating parameters
from the robot, but to load a saved parameters files from disk. The P2OS distributions
come with common configuration files for the all ActivMedia robot models, including
p2de for the Pioneer 2-DXe, p2at for the Pioneer 2-AT, and so on.
You may edit the file-restored parameters just as you edit those retrieved from the robot.
And you may save those edited parameters over the same file or a different one, using
the p2oscf save command.
Note that file-restored configuration parameters are not necessarily the same as those
stored in the robot's FLASH. You must save them there separately. The following
sequence of p2oscf commands illustrates the restore/save process. Notice that the
name stored on the robot doesn't change until the change is saved to FLASH:
command> name
Your robot's name is Son_of_Flakey
command>restore p2dx
command> name
Your robot's name is ActivMedia_P2DX
command> restore
command> name
Your robot's name is Son_of_Flakey
command> restore p2dx
command> save
command> restore
command> name
Your robot's name is ActivMedia_P2DX
Also notice that the last restore command is redundant. Immediately after a save,
p2oscf 's and the robot's parameters are identical.
Arm Parameters
P2OS version 1.H introduced a comprehensive set of servers for managing the
ActivMedia Robotics Pioneer 2 Arm accessory. Please consult the Pioneer 2 Arm Manual
for details about its many operating parameters that are store in FLASH and modified
through p2oscf.