
ActivMedia Robotics
Table 6. P2OS/PSOS command set
Command # Args Description PSOS P2OS
Before Client Connection
SYNC0 0 none Start connection; P2OS echoes 3.x 1.0
SYNC1 1 none synchronization commands back to
SYNC2 2 none client.
After Established Connection
PULSE 0 none Client pulse resets server watchdog 3.x 1.0
OPEN 1 none Starts the controller 3.x 1.0
CLOSE 2 none Close server and client connection 3.x 1.0
POLLING 3 string Set sonar polling sequence 3.9 1.0
ENABLE 4 int Enable=1; disable=0 the motors – 1.0
SETA 5 signed int Resets translational acceleration parameter,
if positive, or deceleration, if negative; in
millimeters per second
SETV 6 int Reset maximum translational velocity, in
millimeters per second
4.8 1.0
SETO 7 none Resets server to 0,0,0 origin 3.x 1.0
MOVE 8 signed int Translation distance to move in mm
SETRV 10 int Resets maximum rotational velocity in
degrees per second
4.8 1.0
VEL 11 signed int Move forward (+) or reverse (-) at
millimeters per second
3.x 1.0
HEAD 12 signed int Turn to absolute heading (+) =
counterclockwise; ± degrees
4.2 1.0
DHEAD 13 signed int Turn relative to current heading (+) =
counterclockwise; ± degrees
3.x 1.0
SAY 15 string As many as 20 pairs of duration (20 ms
increments) /tone (half-cycle) pairs; int is
string length
4.2 1.0
CONFIG 18 int 1=Request configuration SIP – 1.4
ENCODER 19 int Request 1 or continuous stream (>1), or tell
to stop sending (0) Encoder SIPs
– 1.4
RVEL 21 signed int Rotate at ± degrees per second 4.2 1.0
DCHEAD 22 signed int Heading setpoint relative to last setpoint;
± degrees; (+) = counterclockwise
SETRA 23 signed int Sets rotational (+)acceleration or
(-)deceleration, in mm/sec/sec
SONAR 28 int 1=Enable; 0=disable all the sonar 1.0
STOP 29 none Stops robot (motors remain enabled) 1.0
DIGOUT 30 int Msbits is a byte mask that selects output
port(s) for changes; lsbits set (1) or reset (0)
the selected port.
4.2 1.2
VEL2 32 signed int Independent wheel velocities; lsb=right
wheel; msb=left wheel; PSOS is in
±4mm/sec; P2OS in ±2cm/sec increments
4.1 1.0
GRIPPER 33 int Pioneer 1 and Pioneer 2 Gripper server
command. See the Pioneer Gripper manuals
for details.
4.0 1.3
ADSEL 35 int Select the A/D port number for analog value
in SIP. Selected port reported in SIP Timer
GRIPPERVAL 36 int Pioneer 2 gripper server value. See P2
Gripper Manual for details.
GRIPREQUEST 37 none Request 1 or continuous stream (>1), or tell
to stop sending (0) Gripper SIPs
– 1.E