Appendix Two: Operator Basics
12/97 9760-GUI
Option Function
Define Macro
This option allows the operator to pro-
gram temporary macros using these dia-
log boxes.
1. Enter the macro number in the Macro
Number box then click on OK. The De-
fine Macro box will be activated.
2. In the Define Macro box define the steps
of the macro by defining the monitor,
camera, and dwell time (in seconds) then
click on Next to set the next step.
3. To change a step, use the Previous or
Next buttons to select the required step
and make the required changes.
4. When all the steps have been defined and
the macro is complete, click on OK.
The maximum number of steps that make
up a Macro may not exceed 48, in number.
• Everyday use and control of macros is done using the Macro
Control window. Access is through the Macro Control icon:
• Macros programmed using the GUI cannot be changed later.
The only way to make a change is to define the whole macro
again (using the same number again is okay).