Appendix Two: Operator Basics
12/97 9760-GUI
Appendix Two
The two “Drop-Down Menus” operators usually have access to are the Screen and Program menus (this is de-
termined by the Administrator).
NOTE: a checkmark next to the option indicates it is active. To de-activate the option, select it again and
the tick will disappear.
Option Function
üü Mute
If errors, video loss, camera loss, or other types of alarms are triggered, BEEPS may
sound. Use the MUTE option to cut the sound out.
Audio is available with the GUI if an audio card is installed (e.g., a voice saying
“Incorrect Password” comes over the speaker). This can be muted using this option.
WARNING: Selecting this option mutes all sound including alarms
üü Manual Selector
Brings up the Manual Selector Window in the Icon column. Use this window to se-
lect cameras and/or monitors, select presets, lock a camera to a monitor, and choose
if text and idents are to be displayed on the monitor
üü Show All Buttons
Shows all the buttons on the screen. This is a good method of finding out where the
buttons are. Even if they are not shown on the screen (Show Auto Buttons option
hides them), clicking on the area where they are activates that command.
• Camera/macro buttons are gray...
• Alarm buttons are red...
• Area buttons are yellow.