Chapter Four: Operation
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4.4.4 GPI Window
The GPI window is used to select GPIs and turn relays ON/OFF.
Figure 4-7: The GPI Control Window.
Option Description
Click to select a GPI number.
Current GPI
Displays the logical number of the GPI currently selected.
Click to close the GPI window.
Relay numbers*
Click numbers 1 to 8 to turn ON/OFF the corresponding relay. Remember
relays can be configured as latched or momentary in the 9760 Setup Con-
figuration files. Relay buttons are red when off and blue when activated and
command has been received by the 9760 System.
4.4.5 Macro Control Window
The Macro Control window loads, halts, and clears Macros.
Figure 4-8: The Macro Control Window.
Option Description
Macro No*
Click to select the required Macro to be loaded (you must press the Enter
key to actually load and run the selected Macro).
Current Macro
Displays the number of the Macro currently selected.
Click to move to the next Macro number that is loaded.
Click to move to the previous Macro number that is loaded.
Displays the status of the Macro in the Current Macro box.
Click to Start/Stop the Macro displayed in the Current Macro box.
Selects the next Macro
that has been loaded
Selects the previous Macro
that has been loaded
Stop/Start button
Status box...
Macro is either
Running or Stopped
Current GPI
Relay numbers