9760-Graphic User Interface Manual
4.4.1a Alarm Arming Window
The Alarm Arming window is used to arm/disarm alarms. Alarms must be allocated to an operator
before they can be armed/disarmed.
Figure 4-4: The Alarm Arming Window.
Option Description
Alarm No*
Click to select a logical alarm number.
Current alarm
Displays the logical number of the alarm currently selected.
> Click to move to the next logical alarm number that is armed.
< Click to move to the previous logical alarm number that is armed.
Displays the status of the alarm in the Current Alarm box.
Click to arm/disarm an alarm.
Click to close the Alarm Arming window.
4.4.2 Area Window
The Area window is used to change the map currently displayed on the screen.
Figure 4-5: The Area Window.
Option Description
Click to open the map selection window. Then click on the required map name
to load the map.
To close the Area window select Close from the Control Menu box, or press Alt + F4, or double click on
the Control Menu box.
NOTE: Area buttons that are programmed on maps can also be used to load maps.
Current Alarm box
Status box
(either Armed
or Disarmed)
Move to the next
armed alarm.
armed alarm
Control Menu box
Click to load
the Default
Click to display
previously loaded