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Viewing a contact card
The contact information view ( ) shows all
information inserted in the contact card.
The name field is always displayed in the contact
information view, but other fields are only displayed if
they contain information.
Options when viewing a contact card, when the
selection is on a phone number: Call, Create message,
Edit, Delete, Defaults, Add voice tag / Voice tags, Assign
speed dial / Remove speed dial, Ringing tone, Copy to
SIM direct., Send, Help, and Exit.
Assigning default numbers and addresses
If a contact has several phone numbers or e-mail addresses, to speed up calling
and sending messages, you can define certain numbers and addresses to be used
as the default.
• Open a contact card and select Options→ Defaults. A pop-up window opens,
listing the different options.
Example: Scroll to Phone number and press Assign. A list of phone numbers
in the selected contact card is shown. Scroll to the one you want to have as the
default and press . When you return back to the contact card view, you can see
the default number’s name underlined.