
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Dial-up (GSM) - the dial-up number used, or Name (GPRS) - access point name
Shared (not displayed if the connection is not shared)- the number of applications
using the same connection.
Ending connections
Scroll to a connection and select Options Disconnect to end that connection
only, or
Select Options Disconnect all to close all currently open connections.
Connecting your phone to a compatible computer
For further information on how to make a connection to a compatible computer
via infrared or Bluetooth, and how to install PC Suite, see the Installation Guide
for PC Suite on the CD-ROM in the ‘Install software’ section. For further
information on how to use PC Suite, see the help function on PC suite.
Using the CD-ROM
The CD-ROM should launch itself after you have inserted it into the CD-ROM drive
of your compatible PC. If not, proceed as follows:
1. Click the Window Start button and select Programs Windows Explorer.
2. On the CD-ROM drive, locate a file called setup.exe and double-click it. The
CD-ROM interface opens.