
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.
On a browser page, new links appear underlined in
blue and previously visited links in purple. Images that
act as links have a blue border around them.
Options when browsing: Open, Service options,
Bookmarks, Save as bookmark, View image, Navigation
options, Advanced options, Send bookmark, Find,
Details, Settings, Help, and Exit.
Keys and commands used in browsing
To open a link, press .
To scroll the view, use the joystick.
To enter letters and numbers in a field, press the keys - . Press to
enter special characters such as /, ., :, and @. Press to clear characters.
To go to the previous page while browsing, press Back. If Back is not available,
select Options Navigation options History to view a chronological list of
the pages you have visited during a browsing session. The history list is cleared
each time a session is closed.
To check boxes and make selections, press .
To retrieve the latest content from the server, select Options Navigation
options Reload.
To open a sublist of commands or actions for the currently open browser page,
select Options Service options.