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• Send message (network service) - Define how e-mail is sent from your phone.
Immediately - A connection to the mailbox is started immediately after you
have selected Send. During next conn. - E-mail is sent when you connect to
your remote mailbox the next time.
• Send copy to self - Select Yes to save a copy of the e-mail to the address
defined in My e-mail address in your remote mailbox.
• Include signature - Select Yes if you want to attach a signature to your e-mail
messages and to start to write or edit a signature text.
• User name: - Write your user name, given to you by your service provider.
• Password: - Write your password. If you leave this field blank, you will be
prompted for the password when you try to connect to your remote mailbox.
• Incoming mail server: (Must be defined) - The IP address or host name of the
computer that receives your e-mail.
• Mailbox type: - Defines the e-mail protocol your remote mailbox service
provider recommends. The options are POP3 and IMAP4.
Note: This setting can be selected only once and cannot be changed if
you have saved or exited from the mailbox settings.
• Security - Used with the POP3, IMAP4, and SMTP protocols to secure the
connection to the remote mailbox.
• APOP secure login - Used with the POP3 protocol to encrypt the sending of
passwords to the remote e-mail server. Not shown if IMAP4 is selected for
Mailbox type:.