Taking Photographs—Exposure
In P, S, A, and M modes, the D70 offers three types of bracketing (bracket-
ing is not available in Digital Vari-Program modes). The type of bracketing
performed is determined by the option selected for Custom Setting 12 (BKT
set): AE & fl ash, AE only, Flash only, or WB bracketing ( 146).
With each shot, camera varies exposure by maximum of ±2 EV,
“bracketing” exposure selected with exposure compensation
(modes P, S, and A) or by user (mode M). One pho to graph is
pro duced each time shut ter is released; up to three shots are
re quired to com plete brack et ing se quence.
(AE & fl ash or
AE only)
Camera varies fl ash level by maximum of ±2 EV with each shot.
One pho to graph is pro duced each time shut ter is released; up
to three shots are re quired to com plete brack et ing se quence.
Available only in i-TTL and auto aperture fl ash control modes
( 150).
Flash bracketing
(AE & fl ash or
Flash only)
Cam era cre ates up to three im ag es each time shut ter is re leased,
“bracketing” current white balance setting ( 92). Only one
shot is re quired to complete bracketing sequence. Recommend-
ed when shoot ing under mixed light ing or experimenting with
different white bal ance settings. Not available at NEF (Raw) or
NEF + JPEG Basic image quality.
White balance
(WB bracketing)
Digital Vari-Program
If a Digital Vari-Program mode is selected while bracketing is in effect, bracketing will
be suspended until P, S, A, or M mode is restored.