Taking Photographs—Focus
3—AF-Area Mode ( 140)
Custom Setting 3 (AF-area mode) de ter mines how the focus area is selected and
what hap pens if the sub ject moves out of the selected focus area while the cam era is
still fo cus ing. The current setting is indicated by the focus-area displays in the control
panel and viewfi nder.
Display DescriptionOption
User selects focus area manually; camera focuses on subject
in selected focus area only. Selected focus area is high-
lighted in viewfi nder ( 8) when focus area is selected and
when camera focuses. Use for relatively static com po si tions
with sub jects that will stay in selected focus area. Selected
automatically when mode dial rotated to ; default setting
for P, S, A, and M modes.
User selects focus area manually, but camera uses infor-
mation from multiple focus areas to de ter mine focus. Se-
lected focus area is highlighted in viewfi nder ( 8) when
focus area is selected and when camera focuses. If sub ject
leaves selected focus area even briefl y, cam era will still be
able to focus based on in for ma tion from oth er focus areas
(focus-area selection does not change). Use when fol low ing
erratically moving subjects and in oth er situations in which it
is diffi cult to keep subject in se lect ed focus area.
Camera automatically selects focus area containing subject
closest to camera. Focus area can not be selected manually,
and focus area is not displayed in control panel; active fo-
cus area is highlighted in viewfi nder when camera focuses.
Prevents out-of-focus shots when photographing erratically
moving subjects. Selected automatically when mode dial is
rotated to , , , , , or .
17—Focus Area ( 148)
This option can be used to set focus area selection to “wrap around.”
18—AF Area Illm ( 149)
Depending on the option selected for Custom Setting 18 (AF area illm), the active
focus area will be highlighted briefl y in red to improve contrast as needed (“Vari-Brite”
focus areas), highlighted at all times, or never highlighted.