Taking Photographs—Exposure
Com pose a photograph, focus, and shoot.
Each shot will pro cessed to create the num ber
of cop ies spec i fi ed in the brack et ing program,
and each copy will have a dif fer ent white
bal ance. Mod i fi ca tions to white balance are
add ed to the white balance ad just ment made
with white bal ance fi ne-tun ing (
If the number of shots in the bracketing
program exceeds the number of exposures re-
maining, ( ) will be displayed and
the bracketing progress indicator and number
of exposures remaining will blink. Shooting
can begin if a new memory card is inserted.
No. of
Control panel
3 ±1 0, –1, +1
3 ±2 0, –2, +2
3 ±3 0, –3, +3
2 +1 0, +1
2 +2 0, +2
2 +3 0, +3
No. of
Control panel
2 –1 0, –1
2 –2 0, –2
2 –3 0, –3
13—BKT Order ( 146)
This option can be used to change the bracketing order.
To cancel bracketing, press the button and rotate the main com mand
dial until is no longer displayed in the control panel. The program
last in effect will be restored the next time brack et ing is ac ti vat ed. Brack-
et ing can also be cancelled by selecting NEF (Raw) or NEF+JPEG Basic
for image quality or per form ing a two-button reset ( 111), although in
this case reactivating bracketing will not restore the bracketing program.
The number of shots, white balance increment (WB), and bracketing order for
each of the possible white-balance bracketing programs is shown below.