
Taking Photographs—Image Quality and Size
Memory Card Capacity and Image Quality/Size
The following table shows the approximate number of pictures that can be stored on
a 256 MB card at different image quality and size settings.
Image quality Image size File size
No. of images
Buffer capacity
NEF (Raw) 4 235.0 MB
9 732.9 MBL
71301.6 MBM
192790.8 MBS
JPEG Normal
121441.5 MBL
72530.8 MBM
275280.4 MBS
JPEG Basic
192790.8 MBL
74810.4 MBM
499500.2 MBS
NEF+JPEG Basic 4 215.8 MB
All fi gures are approximate. File size of JPEG images varies with scene recorded.
Maximum number of frames that can be stored in memory buffer.
Size of JPEG image fi xed at L. When opened in software provided with camera or in
Nikon Capture 4 version 4.1 or later, NEF im ag e is 3,008 × 2,000 pixels.
Total fi le size of NEF (RAW) and JPEG images.
Large-Capacity Memory Cards
When enough mem o ry re mains on the memory card to
record a thou sand or more pic tures at cur rent set tings,
the num ber of exposures re main ing will be shown in
thou sands, round ed down to the near est hun dred (e.g.,
if there is room for ap prox i mate ly 1,260 ex po sures, the
ex po sure count dis play will show 1.2 K).