
Civilization Attributes
14 Age of Empires Expansion
Ancient Choson Long Swordsman and Legion +80 hit points.
Towers +2 range.
Priests cost 30% less.
Assyrian Archery Range units have increased fire rate. (Value in game remains
the same as Age of Empires 1.0; changes occurred after the original
documentation was printed.)
Villagers 30% faster.
Babylonian Wall and tower hit points doubled.
Priest rejuvenation rate 30% faster.
+30% stone mining.
Carthaginian (new) Transports 30% faster.
Fire Galley +25% attack.
Academy units and all elephant units +25% hit points.
Egyptian +20% gold mining.
Chariot, Scythe Chariot, and Chariot Archer +33% hit points.
Priest +3 range.
Greek Hoplite, Phalanx, and Centurion 30% faster.
War ships 30% faster.
Hittite Stone Thrower, Catapult, and Heavy Catapult hit points doubled.
Archery Range units +1 attack.
War ships +4 range (except Fire Galley).
Macedonian (new) Academy units +2 armor vs. Slinger, Ballista, Helepolis, missile weapons.
Units with no range +2 line of sight.
Siege Workshop units cost 50% less.
Units 4 times more resistant to conversion.
Minoan Ships cost 30% less.
Composite Bowman +2 range.
Farm production +25%.
Palmyran (new) Free tribute.
Gold per trade trip doubled.
Villagers cost 50% more, have armor, and work 20% faster.
Camel Riders 25% faster.
Persian +30% hunting.
War Elephant, Armored Elephant, and Elephant Archer 50% faster.
Trireme +50% fire rate.
Phoenician War Elephant, Armored Elephant, and Elephant Archer cost 25% less.
+30% woodcutting.
Catapult Trireme and Juggernaught +65% fire rate.
Roman (new) Buildings cost 15% less, except towers, walls and Wonders.
Towers cost 50% less.
Swordsmen attack 33% faster.
Shang Villagers cost 30% less.
Wall hit points doubled.
Sumerian Villagers +15 hit points.
Stone Thrower, Catapult, Heavy Catapult +50% fire rate.
Farm production doubled.
Yamato Horse archers, Scout, Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry, Cataphract cost 25% less.
Villagers 30% faster.
Ships +30% hit points.